Monday, August 22, 2011

I'll be DEAD soon

I'll be dead soon, may be by next monsoon
I'll be dead soon, due to hurricane or tycoon
I'll be dead soon....

Everyone got to die one day
I don't know when it’s going to be ‘My Day’
I can fold my hands, I can just pray
Whenever I die, I hope it’s in a peaceful way

Life is something which you can attract
But death is inevitable, it’s the real contract
Everyone got to die, today or tomorrow
Life is something which no one can borrow

Over the years I’ve died so many times
I cannot express it in words, I can’t make it rhyme
I’ve received less of good, and more of bad times
I’ve got punished without even committing the crime

I'll be dead soon, and reach the moon
I'll be dead soon, and burst like a balloon
I'll be dead soon....

The first time I died was when my Father went away
His dead body didn't hear me, I had so much to say
I couldn’t believe what happened, I shouted "NO WAY"
But by that time he had already reached God's bay

I controlled my emotions because I had to control my mother and sister
"God needed him more", in my mother's ear, I sobbingly whispered.
While remembering my dad, I kissed my mom and hugged my sister
and, with trembling hands, I signed my father’s death register.

People say that he will never come back
Some even say he has taken a ‘Forever Nap’
I think it’s high time I should die and go to him
Father-son combination is a sure shot Win-Win

I'll be dead soon, I'm about to swoon
I'll be dead soon, maybe today by noon
I'll be dead soon....

Second time I died was when my girl left me
In her spare love garage, she fecklessly kept me.
By portraying her heartlessness, off my feet, she swept me
She ordered me not to stop her, and then -->  she left me.

She left me for another guy when I needed her shoulder
She left me right after my father's death, she thought she was bolder.
Hearing about her betrayal my mother cried aloud and her eyes went blur
She was the reason for my mother's tears, I want to scold her.

Whatever she did to me was not right in the court of humanity
Due to her betrayal, till today, I’m unable to regain my sanity.
I hope she lives happy and never again plays with anyone’s heart
I know God writes our destiny, but to fight for it is our own part.

"Death is inevitable, just like darkness and sunshine
Life doesn’t belong to anyone; neither it’s yours, nor mine.
Everyone will die and, hopefully, meet the so called God
I just hope God is for real; it doesn’t turn out to be a myth or a fraud.

I hope I live my life at least once before I die.
I hope to find the answers instead of asking why
I hope I get contended in whatever I have
I hope I help others before taking a death nap."

Time has come when I shall die and create space for someone else
Time has come when I should ring my death bell
Time has come when I should jump in heaven's well
Time has come when I should get locked in hell's cell
My death is near,      I can smell

My Time has come ...............YES, I CAN TELL

               I'll be DEAD soon


                                                                                        - J.Walia


Nidhi said...

Nice work, but I hope these are just words and you dont mean them. There are so many people who need you.

Iam_n0b0dy said...

heart touching broda . keep up the gud work . long way 2 go

Unknown said...

@Nidhi: These were just the emotions that I was feeling.. I hope I don't die anytime soon. Rest God knows.
Thank you for reading.. :)

@Iam_n0b0dy: Thanks for appreciating it, brotha!!!

Kanika Gupta said...

no words to say just awesome... :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, Kanika!